Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Cure for "Undesirables" and "Incurables"...

The leftist love for those they defend...


Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Are we racists for reading this?

James Butler said...

Well Odie, didn't you hear what Oprah said? We're Americans, Patriots, Veterans, Christians, or Jews, We are racists doesn't matter what?
And no, the color and gender doesn't matter. Ask Allen West, Sarah Palin...

Jeffery in Alabama said...

I was in my early thirties the first time I ever heard the term Eugenics (exactly what Sanger is proposing here). There were actually congresses and conventions in the early part of the last century through the 1920's setting guidelines and discussing plans to put said plans in motion which would carry out sterilization and selective euthanasia. Many states in this country passed Eugenics laws and implemented programs in varying degrees. The laws stayed on the books and some programs were active until WWII. I guess "progressives" don't like to admit this dark era of their past. The Nurenberg Race Laws that the nazis used in their "master race" program were patterned from Eugenics laws written and passed in this country. The fellow that first told me of this program was a liberal democrat from OK. He had first heard of this program as a boy when one of their neighbors who was a deaf woman told him she had been sterilized as a young girl (the early 1930's). Besides mental and physical defects, habitual criminals, drunkards, and sexual deviants were sterilized too. He actually believe it would have been a very good program.